Saturday, February 25, 2006

new updates on what realy happened

i've spent some time searching for some material that i've found a couple years ago.

back that i was talking to one of the survivors, but an infected one, she told me she had found out when she was seventeen that she was carrying a disease. they took her on a death camp. that's the text she wrote for me:

"Beginning in March, a wave of mass murder swept across Europe. During the next 11 months 4,500,000 human beings were eliminated. By the end of August the toll had risen to approximately 6,000,000 romanians, which included 1,500,000 children, who perished at the hands of the murderers.
They shot after us. They shot . . . they keep on shooting after the infected ones, but the bullet didn't hit me.
When I didn't hear anymore the train, I got up. I went first to look after my sister and brother and found them
dead. And I found many corpses . . . so many corpses.
The laws . . . the laws didn't apply to us. Only the bad laws applied to us, that we couldn't walk on a sidewalk,
only in the middle of the street.But it wasn't a law that somebody couldn't kill us. That law didn't apply to us.
people . . . the people turn into animals."

right now i'm trying to clean-up a tape recording of her after i finish i will uploadit somewhere and give u a link.

i'll keep updating soon.


Blogger FlameKid said...

Mai lasa-ne.....

2:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mai lasa-ne tu!

11:10 AM  
Blogger FlameKid said...

Cata inteligenta pe amandoi, pe cuvantul meu....A, sa nu uit....Indigo draga, pune si tu manuta pe o carticica de engleza....sau macar uite-te la niste desene bune

1:48 PM  
Blogger moimoi, the artist formally known as mimi said...

daca ai citi primul post poate ai mai intelege cate ceva...asa na...tot romanul se pune sa criteasca fara minimul de documentatie...sory ca e cam sad ....but it's true

1:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in primul rand e "sorry" nu e vorba de sorina,nu?

1:40 PM  

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